When my great-niece was small, she couldn’t pronounce my name. She called me Jammie, and it stuck and all three great-nieces now call me that. When deciding on a name for my new writing website, the name Jammie’s Jottings leapt into my head, and it just had to be.

I’ve been writing since I was a child and only learned shorthand and typing at college so I could be a news reporter. That didn’t happen, but I did work in publishing for a few years in my early twenties. Somehow, I ended up in the construction industry and for the last thirty years have been working with our supply chain and now on sustainability. There have been few trade articles I’ve been involved with, particularly on sustainability issues.

As a part-timer in my sixties, I now have more time to devote to my writing and this will be my platform to share short stories, flash fiction, poetry, articles, and my new favourite, creative non-fiction. Some of these were written before I married and published on my previous website, Tyler’s Tales, and so are in my maiden name of Janice Tyler. 

I hope you enjoy reading them.

My novel writing is very much in hand, and when I publish you will be the first to know!

Janice Johnson, May 2024